Ethics Policy

Commitment to Ethical Journalism

At Arbiter Post, we are dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards in journalism. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and accountability is the foundation of everything we do. We believe that responsible journalism is essential to maintaining trust with our readers and fostering an informed and engaged community.

Core Principles:

  1. Accuracy: We strive for accuracy in all our reporting. Every piece of information is rigorously fact-checked to ensure it is reliable and truthful. If errors are identified, we correct them promptly and transparently.
  2. Fairness and Objectivity: We present news and analysis without bias, providing balanced perspectives on important issues. Our goal is to inform rather than influence, ensuring our readers receive a comprehensive view of the stories we cover.
  3. Independence: Arbiter Post maintains editorial independence and does not allow external influences—political, commercial, or otherwise—to compromise our reporting. We are committed to serving the public interest above all else.
  4. Transparency: We are open about our journalistic processes, including how stories are developed and sources are verified. Our readers have the right to know how we gather and present information.
  5. Respect and Sensitivity: We approach all subjects with respect and sensitivity, particularly when reporting on vulnerable communities or individuals. We avoid sensationalism and prioritize ethical storytelling.
  6. Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for our work. If you believe we have fallen short of our standards, we encourage you to reach out and provide feedback.

Corrections Policy:

We are committed to rectifying errors transparently. If you spot a mistake in our reporting, please notify us at [email protected]. Corrections will be published promptly and noted clearly.

Editorial Independence:

Arbiter Post’s editorial decisions are made without influence from advertisers, sponsors, or external stakeholders. Our primary obligation is to our readers and the truth.

Conflicts of Interest:

All team members at Arbiter Post are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest. We take proactive steps to ensure that such conflicts do not affect our work or undermine our credibility.

Reader Engagement:

We value the perspectives and feedback of our readers. Your input helps us uphold our standards and improve our work. To share your thoughts or concerns, please email us at [email protected].

By adhering to these principles, Arbiter Post aims to deliver journalism that is not only informative but also trustworthy and responsible.